Literatur- und Bilderverzeichnis: Kampf um St-Lô

After Action Report, 120th Infantry Regiment, June 1944

After Action Report, 134th Infantry Regiment, July 1944

Badsey, Stephen and Bean, Tim: Omaha Beach. Battle Zone Normandy Series. Phoenix Mill: Sutton Publishing Limited, 2004

Balkoski, Joseph: Beyond the Beachhead – The 29th Infantry Division in Normandy. Mechaniksburg PA: Stackpole Books, 1989

Blumenson, Martin: Breakout and Pursuit. Center of Military History United States Army. Washington D. C., 1960

Blumenson, Martin, Captain: Coordination in the Hedgerows – East of the Vire River, France – June 29, 1944. US Army Historical Branch. Washington D.C., 1957

Doubler, Michael D, Captain: Busting the Bocage. American Combined Arms Operations in France 6 June -31 July 1944. Combat Studies Institute

Forty, George: Villers Bocage. Battle Zone Normandy Series. Phoenix Mill: Sutton Publishing Limited, 2004

Gordon, Martin K.: The Tank Dozer

Harrison, Gordon A.: Cross Channel Attack. Old Saybrook: Konecky & Konecky, 1950

Historical Division War Department: ST-LO, 7 July – 19 July 1944. American Forces in Action Series no 12. Nashville: Battery Press, 1984

Mahlmann, Paul, Generalleutnant: 353. Infanterie-Division. Foreign Military Studies Branch. Washington D.C., 1948

Reardon, Mark J.: Defending Fortress Europe. The War Diary of the Germann 7th Army in Normandy, 6 June to 26 July 1944. Bedford: The Aberjona Press, an imprint of Aegis Consulting Group, Inc., 2012

Wood, James A.: Army of the West. The weekly reports of Germany Army Group B from Normandy to the West Wall.Stackpole Military History Series. Mechaniksburg: Stackpole Books, 2007

Ritgen, Helmut: Die Geschichte der Panzer Lehr Division im Westen 1944 1945. Stuttgart: Motorbuch Verlag, 1979

Ritgen, Helmut: West-Front 1944. Stuttgart: Motorbuch Verlag, 2004

Schimpf, Richard, Generalleutnant a. D.: 3d Parachute Division 6 June 1944 – 8 March 1945. Historical Division Headquarters United States Army, Europe. Foreign Military Studies Branch. Washington D.C., 1948

Stöber, Hans: Die Sturmflut und das Ende. Geschichte der 17. SS-Panzergrenadierdivision "Götz von Berlichingen". Osnabrück: Munin Verlag, 1976

Yates, Peter: Battle for St-Lô. Battle Zone Normandy Series. Phoenix Mill: Sutton Publishing Limited, 2004

Ziegelmann, Fritz, Oberstleutnant: 352. Infanterie-Division, Die Kämpfe vom 18.6. – 22.6. 1944. Foreign Military Studies Branch. Königstein/Taunus, 1950

Ziegelmann, Fritz, Oberstleutnant: 352. Infanterie-Division, Die Kämpfe vom 7.6. – 10.7. 1944. Foreign Military Studies Branch. Königstein/Taunus, 1950

Bilderverzeichnis: Kampf um St-Lô

Ein Großteil der SW Bilder stammen von "Conseil Régional de Basse-Normandie/National Archives USA" bzw. „National Archives USA“

Die dargestellten Landkarten stammen aus:

Blumenson, Martin: Breakout and Pursuit. Center of Military History United States Army. Washington D. C., 1960

Harrison, Gordon A.: Cross Channel Attack. Old Saybrook: Konecky & Konecky, 1950

Historical Division War Department: ST-LO, 7 July – 19 July 1944. American Forces in Action Series no 12. Nashville: Battery Press, 1984

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